There for You
As a professionally trained Doula and Registered Nurse, Amy provides informational, physical, and caring emotional support before, during, and after childbirth. Amy’s core goal is in helping you achieve the healthiest and most satisfying birth experience possible.
Yoga for
Mother and Child
Prenatal yoga is an amazing way to connect with your body and child as you journey through your pregnancy. Amy’s own birth story began with her yoga practice evolving into a beautiful new bond with her body, helping her understand the changes and prepare herself and her son for their own graceful birth.
From My Blog
I am always on the lookout for nuggets of wisdom that help me become a better doula. Here’s where I share the information I think moms can benefit from so they can make informed decisions about their own birth plan, needs, and pregnancy.
Your Birth Plan
Giving birth? Here’s a comprehensive Birth Plan for you to use to start thinking about how you are getting ready for your birth. Print it out and discuss the items with your OB or Midwife. Having everyone on your birthing support team on the same page helps ensure the best possible birthing experience for you and baby.
Resource List for Mothers & Families
I’d like to share with all expecting moms a Resource List of birthing and postpartum support professionals. We are blessed to have a rich community of caring help for moms and families. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have. I’d love to provide as much information for you as possible.
Your Postpartum Plan
Congratulations! Baby is here, so now what?! You can help create a smooth transition for your new family by filling out your Postpartum Plan. Make this plan for your tribe to help you, the birthing mother. Mothers care deeply for their families throughout their lives but after birth, mothers need extra support & care themselves.