Did Your Care Provider Suggest a Course of Action Based on Your Big Baby?

Birth workers too often hear birth stories involving their suspected big baby. Here are some quick facts about big babies.

  • 1 in 3 mothers are told they have a big baby by their care provider.

  • 1 in 10 babies are actually born big.

  • A big baby is considered to be 8 lbs. 13 oz. or greater according to studies.

  • 7% - 15% of big babies have difficulty birthing their shoulders although almost all of these cases are treated by care providers and end of having no issues with their shoulders or body.

  • If you are told there is a suspicion of having a big baby, your chances of having a cesarean increase.

  • Half the time the prediction of having a big baby is wrong, and half the time correct.

For more details about Suspected Big Babies, here is a fact sheet.

To read about some Real Life Stories about birthing Big Babies, read this.

To listen to Birth Kweens podcast with Rebecca Dekker of Evidence Based Birth on Suspected Big Babies, click here.

There is much evidence about induction for suspected big babies and there are randomized trials providing a lot of evidence around big babies. Contact me for more information. This is all just information. Consult your care provider for any medical advice.